2021 Intake Census

Deadlines, instructions, training materials, and FAQs regarding the collection and submission of intake data for the 2021 Intake Census.

As part of the 成人抖阴's Justice Gap Study, every two years LSC grantees take a census of people coming to them for legal help and their ability to provide help. Previous intake censuses conducted in 2017 and 2019 have proven powerful in our advocacy for LSC funding, because they provide solid estimates of the unmet need at the point of service.

Over a four-week period in October 2021, LSC grantees will track the number of legal problems people come to them for help with and whether they were able to serve them fully. This page provides guidance for LSC grantees on how to conduct the intake census, including , the , and .

Data Collection

LSC grantees may choose one of two data collection periods: opening of business on Monday, October 4, 2021 to close of business on Friday, October 29, 2021, or opening of business on Monday, October 11, 2021 to close of business on Friday, November 5, 2021.

Data Submission

Completed Intake Census collection instruments are due at close of business on Friday, November 12, 2021 for data collected October 4 to 29 or on Friday, November 19, 2021 for data collected October 11 to November 5.

Before submitting, verify that the instrument includes data from all intake locations and sources and that the data cover the full data collection period. Please submit the collection instrument via email to justicegapstudy@lsc.gov.

Submission Guidance: Intake Census

  • Instructions
  • FAQs
  • Webinar
  • Collection Instrument

Instructions for LSC programs on how to collect and report cases for the Intake Census.

Answers to the questions most frequently asked by grantees about the Intake Census. This document will be regularly updated with responses to new questions as needed throughout the 2021 Intake Census reporting period.

The 2021 Intake Census webinar training was conducted on Thursday, September 23rd.

The Intake Census collection instrument (Microsoft Excel format) for tracking and reporting cases during the reporting period. Please use this collection instrument and return it to LSC at justicegapstudy@lsc.gov by Friday, November 12, 2021.

Intake Census Support

Please email justicegapstudy@lsc.gov if you have questions about the 2021 Intake Census, data collection, submitting the data, or if you have suggestions for improving the Intake Census reporting process.