Authorities Governing Board Actions

Administrative Requirements


  • LSC Act § 1005(d): Compensation of Corporation Officers and Employees

  • —The Committee annually reviews and reports to the Board on the performance and compensation of the President, Inspector General, and officers of the Corporation.  It also conducts annual reviews of LSC’s compensation plan.

  • —Authorizing payment of daily honoraria of $320 for participation by Board members in LSC activities.

  • —Setting it at a level equal to the highest compensated officer of LSC other than the president.


  • —Includes the power to make contracts and guarantees.

LSC Business Travel

Records Management

Reporting and Tracking of Volunteer Hours

Board Governance

Annual Disclosure of Outside Interests

Board Committees

Board Ethics and Conduct

  • —Allows ultra vires acts to be challenged through a derivative proceeding.

  • —Governs directors’ standards of conduct, standards of liability, loan and guarantee restrictions, and liability for unlawful distributions

Board Meetings

  • —Provides limited meeting requirements when Board action is required during an emergency.

Board Self-Evaluation Process

Committee Self-Evaluation Process

Friends of ³ÉÈ˶¶Òõ (FoLSC)

General Powers and Authority to Amend

  • —Allows for amendments to the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws to be approved in the form of a record by a specified person or group of persons in addition to the Board and members.

Risk Management

    —The Committee reports to and advises the Board on controls and mechanisms designed to minimize the risk of fraud, theft, corruption, and misuse of funds.

Terms of Office, Removal, and Resignation

LSC Management Oversight

Annual Evaluations and Reviews

Audits and Financial Practices

Authority Delegated to LSC President, Officers, and Staff

Authority Delegated to the Office of Inspector General (OIG)

  • —The head of the designated federal entity appoints its Inspector General.

  • —The Inspector General reports to, and is under the  general supervision of, the head of the designated federal entity.

Employee Ethics and Conduct

  • —Governs officers’ duties, standards of conduct, resignation and removal, and contract rights.

  • —Designated General Counsel as Ethics Officer with sole discretion and authority to implement the Code, except provisions relating to ethics and conduct of General Counsel. Also ratified Inspector General’s designation of Assistant Inspector General and Legal Counsel to serve as Ethics Officer for the OIG.

Employee Grievance Procedures

  • —Requires the Board to take appropriate action on employee grievances against the President or Inspector General within 60 days after a grievance is filed or at the next scheduled Board meeting, whichever occurs later.

Employee Handbook

  • —Eliminated the requirement of Board approval for modification of major provisions of the Employee Handbook relating to personnel actions or policies.

Grantee Compliance

  • —Reviews Corporation’s monitoring and enforcement efforts to ensure grantee compliance.

LSC Funds

Outside Employment of Employees and Officers

Strategic Planning


Annual Gifts from Board Members

  • —Encourages all Board members to give annual gifts according to their means, at a level they deem appropriate.

Donor Rights

  • —Includes the right of donors to be informed of the identity of LSC’s Board members, to expect the Board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities, and to be informed whether individuals seeking donations are Board members, employees, or volunteers of LSC.

Private Contributions

Statutory and Regulatory Requirements

Authorized Communications with Congress

  • —Permits personnel of the Corporation to make appropriate communication with Congress or any State or local legislative bodies under a formal request or in connection with legislation or appropriations directly affecting the activities of the Corporation.

  • —The Committee recommends to the Board the amount of each appropriation request prepared by the Corporation and reports to the Board the status of appropriation bills or other legislative proposals that may affect the finances of the Corporation.

  • —Requires the Board to be fully and currently informed of all material communications between LSC and Congress, including the LSC Annual Report and communications and reports prepared by the OIG.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Government in the Sunshine Act

Lobbying and Other Restricted Political Activities


  • —Receives, proposes, reviews, and discusses proposed rules and rulemaking priorities.

  • —Original delegation of authority to the LSC President to publish proposed regulations, rules, and guidelines in the Federal Register for purposes of receiving public comment.
  • Daily honoraria of $320 for participation by Board members in LSC activities.