Annual Reports
2023 Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
2021 Annual Report
2020 Annual Report

LSC's 2023 Annual Report features highlights from the year, including the Justice Gap Report release, disaster relief grants and the work of LSC's Rural Justice Task Force. It also includes the stories of clients helped by LSC-funded legal services providers.
LSC's 2022 Annual Report features highlights from the year, including the Justice Gap Report release, disaster relief grants and the work of LSC's Rural Justice Task Force. It also includes the stories of clients helped by LSC-funded legal services providers.

LSC's 2021 Annual Report features highlights from the year including information on LSC's congressional briefings and other events, constituent stories, updates on LSC's privately funded initiatives, financial reports and more.

LSC's 2020 Annual Report highlights LSC's accomplishments and initiatives throughout the year as LSC and its 132 grantees dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic's challenges.
LSC By the Numbers: The Data Underlying Legal Aid Programs provides an overview of the work of LSC-funded legal aid organizations on behalf of low-income people seeking civil legal assistance.

2023 LSC By the Numbers
"LSC By the Numbers: The Data Underlying Legal Aid Programs" quantifies the work done by LSC-funded legal aid organizations around the country in 2023. It provides national and state-level trend data to facilitate comparisons over time and locations.

2022 LSC By the Numbers
"LSC By the Numbers: The Data Underlying Legal Aid Programs" quantifies the work done by LSC-funded legal aid organizations around the country in 2022. It provides national and state-level trend data to facilitate comparisons over time and locations.

2021 LSC By The Numbers
Click here to view the PDF version of LSC 2021 By the Numbers.
See the LSC budget requests here.

Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Request
LSC requests $1.576 billion for FY 2024, an increase of $313 million over LSC鈥檚 FY 2023 budget request.

Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request
LSC requests an appropriation of $1.26 billion for FY 2023, an increase of $245 million from last year鈥檚 request.

Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Request
LSC requests an appropriation of $1,018,800,000 for FY 2022. Our request addresses the anticipated increase in demand for civil legal services due to the disproportionate impact that COVID-19 is having on low-income communities.
More Publications & Reports
LSC's latest justice gap report, released April 2022, shows that 92% of the civil legal problems of low-income Americans did not receive any or enough legal help. nearly three-quarters (74%) of low-income households experienced at least one civil legal problem in the previous year. A third (33%) of low-income Americans had at least one problem they attributed to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
LSC Veterans Task Force Report
The Veterans Task Force鈥檚 report identifies ways to strengthen the relationship between legal aid providers and other veterans-serving organizations. It highlights best practices and model programs that provide effective, integrated services to veterans and offers tips for replicating successful programs.
LSC Disaster Task Force Report
In April 2018, LSC鈥檚 Board of Directors established LSC鈥檚 Disaster Task Force. The focus of the Task Force was to foster and promote better cooperation, coordination, and communication between and...
LSC Opioid Task Force Report
In April 2018, the 成人抖阴 created an Opioid Task Force to identify the civil legal issues faced by individuals and families affected by OUD and the role that civil legal aid providers can play 鈥 in collaboration with treatment and other service providers, the judiciary, and federal and state government agencies 鈥 in assisting those individuals and families. Judges, legal aid attorneys, clinicians, leaders of public health and public policy organizations, access to justice professionals, individuals in recovery, business leaders, and members of LSC鈥檚 Leaders Council comprised the Task Force. The Task Force spent eleven months holding in-person meetings and conference calls that brought together Task Force members with subject matter experts to investigate and analyze the intersection between the opioid epidemic and civil legal aid.
Report of The Summit on the Use of Technology to Expand Access to Justice
The 鈥淩eport of The Summit on the Use of Technology to Expand Access to Justice鈥 focuses on ways to use technology to provide all Americans some form of effective assistance with essential civil legal needs. The report presents a number of concrete recommendations to broaden and improve civil legal assistance through an integrated service-delivery system that brings the knowledge and wisdom of legal experts to the public through computers and mobile devices.
LSC Performance Criteria
This edition of the Criteria is based on earlier versions first developed for the Legal Services Comparative Demonstration Project during 1993 and 成人抖阴 peer review evaluations during 1994, and then for LSC program reviews and the competitive grants process from 1995 to the present.