LSC Reporting Requirements

This page lists requirements for submitting reports and other information to the ³ÉÈ˶¶Òõ.

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Case Service Reporting

Case Service Reporting provides key definitions and responses to frequently asked questions regarding case management systems, reporting requirements, documentation requirements, types of case services, referrals, case definitions and closure categories, legal problem code categories and codes, private attorney involvement cases, and transitional questions.

Instructions for CSR data reporting appear in the Grant Activity Reports section of this website. 

Information about CSR reporting requirements can be found here.

TIG Reporting

Grants awarded through the Technology Initiative Grant (TIG) program require recipients to report and request payments as they complete work on their projects. Information about TIG reporting requirements can be found here.

PBIF Reporting

Pro Bono Innovation Fund grantees have additional reporting requirements that must be submitted to LSC by the due dates provided as part of the acceptance of the award. Information about these requirements can be found here.

Other Services Reporting

Other services are defined as non-case services or matters under 45 C.F.R. §  and . Through other services reporting, legal aid organizations collect data on legal services provided to the low-income community other than services provided as part of the work performed on accepted cases.

For reporting other services, please see page 20 of the Grant Activity Reports Guidance Document.

Receiving Offices

Unless otherwise indicated, if due dates for required reports fall on a weekend or holiday the reports are due on the next business day.

  • OCE is Office of Compliance and Enforcement

  • OPP is Office of Program Performance

  • OIG is Office of Inspector General

  • OLA is Office of Legal Affairs

  • ODGA is Office of Data Governance and Administration

A. Required Annual Reports

*Annual reporting requirements which must be submitted by December 31

Receiving OfficeType of ReportDue DateAuthorityRemarks 
OCEReport on Emergency Non-Priority CasesJanuary 31Report format is contained in a LSC . Report should be submitted via the  system. 
OCESelf-InspectionMarch 1Grant Terms and Conditions, No. 6Sample forms and reporting guidance is contained in the . Questions should be directed to 
OCECertification of Objective Integrity and IndependenceDecember 31*Report format is contained in a LSC . Report should be submitted via the  system. 
OCEAnnual Report on Review of PrioritiesDecember 31* enumerates types of information which the annual report should include. Report should be submitted via the  system.  
OTTAAnnual Report Cybersecurity Training ReportSeptember 30Report should be submitted via the  system. . 
OPPBoard Meeting MinutesJune 3Basic Field Grant Application 
OIGAnnual Audit Report and Summary Report Form120 days after fiscal year-endSubmit a pdf version of entire audit report to A hard-bound copy of the audit report is NOT required. Submit the  electronically on the OIG website, using the  link. See Audit Findings and Corrective Action Plans for additional reporting requirements. 
OIGExtension to Submit Audit ReportTwo weeks prior to the Audit Report due dateUnder exceptional circumstances, an extension of the 120-day requirement may be granted. Requests not submitted in the required time frame will be granted only for unforeseen, extraordinary, and compelling reasons. The extension request must address the specific reason(s) for the request. Submit the extension request by email to 
ODGAGrant Activity ReportsMarch 1Grant Terms and Conditions, No. 6See the Grant Activity Reports webpage. 

B. Required Semi-Annual Reports

Receiving OfficeType of ReportDue DateAuthorityRemarks
OCELegislative and Rulemaking Activity ReportJanuary 31 and
July 31
Report format is contained in a . Report should be submitted whether or not there is legislative or rulemaking activity to report. Report should be submitted via the system.
OCECase Disclosure ReportJanuary 31 and
July 31
 enumerates types of information that the report should include. Report format is contained in . Report should be submitted via the system. Numerical information is no longer a reporting requirement. See explanation 

C. Grant Applications and Renewals

See: Our Grant Programs for more details about the application and renewal process.


Receiving OfficeSubmissionDue DateAuthorityRemarks 
OPPNotice of Intent to CompeteOn or around the third week of May

We annually publish a Request for Proposals (RFP) in April. The RFP describes the information required to be included in the Notice of Intent to Compete.

See general information about the grant application process.

OPPCompetitive Grant Applications (Application to include Private Attorney Involvement Plan )On or around the first week of June for Standard Grant Applications On or around the second week of August for Post Program Quality Visit Applications

We annually publish the RFP in April. The RFP describes information to be submitted through the Basic Field grant application process.  

See general information about the grant application process.

OPPGrant Renewals (Application to include PAI Plan )On or around the first week of June for Standard Grant Applications On or around the second week of August for Post Program Quality Visit Applications 

We annually publish the Grant Renewal Instructions in April. The Renewal Instructions describe information t be submitted through the Basic Field grant renewal process.  

See general information about the grant application process.

D. Prior Approval Requirements Applying to Certain Events

Receiving OfficeEventAction & Due DateAuthorityRemarks
Subgrant Agreements
Expenditures of LSC Funds to Acquire Property 
Fund Balance Deficit 
OCEFormation of Subgrant Agreement using $20,000 or more of LSC funds or LSC-Funded Resources

Apply for approval through GrantEase at least 45 days in advance of the proposed subgrant effective date or at the time of the basic field grant application.

See How to Apply for a Subgrant webpage.

Modification to a Subgrant Already Approved in Writing by LSC

  • Modifications to the scope or objectives, or

Increase or decrease in the amount of funding of more than 10%

Email OCE Director, Deputy Director for General Compliance and OCE Program Counsel contact to seek approval.See 
Modification of a Subgrant from Using LSC-Funds or LSC-Funded Resources of Less than $20,000 to Using $20,000 or MoreApply for approval through GrantEase. See 
OCEA single purchase of real estate, regardless of cost.

LSC written approval required.

Submit request in advance of planned acquisition by at least 60 days.


 sets out the process and substantive requirements for requests for prior approval, superseding LSC's Property Acquisition and Management Manual and Program Letter 98-4. Email OCE Director, Deputy Director and OCE Program Counsel Liaison.
Expenditure of over $25,000 of LSC Funds on:

LSC written approval required.

Submit request in advance of planned acquisition by at least:


 sets out the process and substantive requirements for requests for prior approval. Apply for approval through GrantEase.
A single purchase or single lease of personal property;30 days Apply for approval through GrantEase.
A single contract for services;30 days Apply for approval through GrantEase.
A single combined purchase or lease of personal property and contract for services; or30 days Apply for approval through GrantEase.
Capital improvements.30 days Apply for approval through GrantEase.
OCEExpenditure to Liquidate LSC Fund Balance Deficit from Prior Year with Current Grant FundsSubmit approval request to LSC within 30 days of submission of the Audit Report for the fiscal year. contains a list of information to submit with a deficit fund balance request.


E. Waivers of Requirements Applying to Certain Events

Receiving OfficeEventAction & Due DateAuthorityRemarks
Fund Balance
Private Attorney Involvement Expenditure
Board & Policy Body Requirements
OCELSC Fund Balance Amount Exceeds 10% of LSC SupportSubmit fund balance waiver request to LSC through GrantEase within 30 days of submission of Audit Report for the same fiscal year lists types of information to include in an excess fund balance request depending on the amount of the balance (above or below 25%).
OCEPAI Expenditure Is Less Than 12.5% of the LSC Basic Field Grant AmountSubmit waiver request to LSC through GrantEase no later than last day of the fiscal year for which the waiver is requestedA PAI waiver may be requested for either the current year or the coming year.
OPPBoard Composition Is Not In Compliance with Submit waiver request when Board structure varies from requirements of §1607.3. requires waivers for programs with historic non-attorney majorities; waivers in other circumstances are discretionary under .
Compensation of Partner or Associate of Attorney Board MemberSubmit waiver request prior to compensation of partner or associate requires approval of a waiver request prior to compensation of a partner or associate.


F. Reports Contingent on the Occurrence of Certain Events

Receiving OfficeEventAction & Due DateAuthorityRemarks
Auditor Findings & Corrective Action Plans
Theft, Losses & Monetary Judgements 
Changes to Program Office Structure, Bylaws, Key Staff, or Auditor
Cessation of Funding, Mergers & Closeout Plans
Other Recipients Policies & Procedures
OIGReceipt of an Independent Auditor's Special Report of Non-Compliance
(5-day letter)
Notify LSC in writing within 5 business days of independent auditor's special report of non-compliance

Submit to

Report format is contained in App. E to the .
OCEReceipt of an Audit Report Requiring Corrective ActionSubmit Corrective Action Plan to LSC within 30 days of submission of the audit reportSubmit to  

 specifies information a corrective action plan should include.
OIGLoss of $200 or more as a result of any: willful misrepresentation or theft of time, crime, fraud, misappropriation, embezzlement, or theft involving property, client funds, LSC funds, and/or non-LSC funds used for the provision of legal assistance.Notify LSC OIG (800-678-8868, 202-295-1670 or email at within 2 business daysGrant Terms and Conditions, No. 16Once recipient determines that such reportable event has occurred, recipient is required to contact OIG prior to conducting its own investigation.
Contacting Local, State, or Federal Law Enforcement Officials ³ÉÈ˶¶Òõ a CrimeNotify LSC OIG (800-678-8868, 202-295-1670 or email at within 2 business daysGrant Terms and Conditions, No. 16Once recipient determines that such reportable event has occurred, recipient is required to contact OIG prior to conducting its own investigation.
Theft of Items Such as Credit Cards, Check Stock, Passwords, or Electronic Access Codes That Could Lead To A Loss of $200 or more.Notify LSC OIG (800-678-8868, 202-295-1670 or email at within 2 business daysGrant Terms and Conditions, No. 16Once recipient determines that such reportable event has occurred, recipient is required to contact OIG prior to conducting its own investigation.
OCEMonetary Judgment, Sanction, or Penalty (e.g., Rule 11 Sanction, Malpractice, EEO or ADA Judgment, IRS Penalty, or Voluntary Settlement of any such action or matter)Submit written notification to OCE within 20 days of receiptGrant Terms and Conditions, No. 6Email OCE Director, Deputy Director and OCE Program Counsel Liaison.
Any grantee key official (executive director, chief financial officer, or other key financial official) is charged with fraud misappropriation, embezzlement, theft or similar offense, or is subjected to suspension, loss of license, or other disciplinary action or bar by other professional licensing organizationSubmit written notification to OCE within 20 days of receipt AND Notify LSC OIG (800-678-8868, 202-295-1670 or email at within 2 business daysGrant Terms and Conditions, No. 6 and 16Email OCE Director, Deputy Director and OCE Program Counsel Liaison.
Receipt of Notice of Attorneys’ Fee Claim under §1006(f) of the LSC ActSubmit written notification to OCE within 20 days of receiptGrant Terms and Conditions, No. 6Applies only to a court finding of harassment or malicious abuse of the legal process. Email OCE Director, Deputy Director and OCE Program Counsel Liaison.
Force Majeure EventSubmit written notification to OCE within 20 days of receiptGrant Terms and Conditions, No. 6Email OCE Director, Deputy Director and OCE Program Counsel Liaison.
OITClosure or Relocation of Main or Branch Office or change in its main email address or its website address (URL)You must update your Grantee Profile in within 15 calendar days.Grant Terms and Conditions, No. 6Please see s or reach out to with questions.
Changes in Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, or Board ChairpersonYou must update your Grantee Profile in within 15 calendar days.Grant Terms and Conditions, No. 6Please see s or reach out to with questions. 
ODGAAdoption or Change of Articles of Incorporation or BylawsYou must upload your new Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws to your Grantee Profile in within 15 calendar days.Grant Terms and Conditions, No. 6
Note: you must delete the existing document before uploading a new copy to the Attachments table within the Grantee Profile.
OIGChange in Fiscal Year EndSubmit written notification to LSC prior to effective date of changeWritten notification to be submitted to LSC Office of Inspector General at
Change in AuditorSubmit written notification to LSC OIG within 30 daysGrant Terms and Conditions, No. 7Appendix G to the  contains a format for notifying LSC of audit firm changes. Written notification to be submitted to LSC Office of Inspector General at
OPPVoluntary Decision to Cease to be an LSC RecipientSubmit written notification to LSC 60 days prior to effective dateGrant Terms and Conditions, No. 19Applies only to cessation decisions during the grant term.
Notice of Cessation of LSC FundingSubmit Closeout Plan to LSC within 15 days of cessation notice

Grant Terms and Conditions, No. 19

Grant Terms and Conditions lists types of information to include in a Closeout Plan.
Merger or Consolidation or other Change in Legal IdentitySubmit written notification to LSC 60 days prior to effective dateGrant Terms and Conditions, No. 5Grant Terms and Conditions requires notice and submission of Successor in Interest Agreement.
OLAAdoption or Change of Procedure for Public Access to Program InformationConsult with LSC prior to suspension or terminationApplicable to violations of the LSC Act and LSC rules and regulations; other disciplinary actions are not covered.
OCEAcquisition of New Office SpaceSubmit certification of accessibility prior to entering into a lease or purchase contractCertification of accessibility for new leases and purchases of office space only; does not apply to the renewal of an existing lease. Email OCE Director, Deputy Director and OCE Program Counsel Liaison.
OLAAdoption or Change of Procedure for Public Access to Program InformationSubmit to LSC for review and approval any newly adopted procedure or changes in procedure   


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