Status of FOIA Requests and Responses 2024

FOIA Reference NumberDate Request ReceivedDescription of RequestEstimated Date of CompletionResponse to RequestStatus of Request
2024-0110/25/2023A copy of the the agency's intranet home page, a copy of the agency's intranet sitemap page (such as containing an internal reference of intranet pages or directories), and subsequently, a copy of each page connected to from the agency's intranet homepage. 11/15/2023Closed
2024-0211/06/2023Documents sufficient to account for all sole sourced contracts issued by the agency under 5 million dollars (USD), and the relied upon documentation and supplemental materials in awarding the sole source contracts - including, but not limited to: sole source justifications, approval paperwork and designated approving authority, any supplemental documentation in support of a sole source determination. 11/30/2023Closed
2024-0311/06/2023Documents sufficient to account for all contracts, agreements, policies, procedures, manuals, memorandums, memorandums of understanding (MOU's) or directives pertaining to unions or labor unions. Documents sufficient to account for the number of employees included in any labor contracts, agreements, or memorandums of understanding (MOU's). 12/06/2023Closed
2024-0412/05/2023The resume and human resources file on Ronald Flagg; the annual report by LSC provided to the inspector general and/or congress, if not in the annual report, then records detailing specific grants that are actively funded all programs as of this date; protocol and policy to oversee the grantees (account for fraud and waste); how efficacy of the grants are measured12/22/2023Closed
2024-0512/11/2023Copies of all implementing directives, orders, memorandums, policies, guidance, or memorandums of understanding (MOUs) pertaining to Executive Order 14019 or (E.O. 14019): Promoting Access to Voting. All communications, contracts, or memorandums of understanding (MOUs) with 501c3’s (non-profits), or other 501c entities that are non-governmental agencies with reference to coordination or implementation of E.O. 14019. 12/22/2023Closed
2024-0612/11/2023Copies of all implementing directives, orders, memorandums, policies, guidance, or memorandums of understanding (MOUs) pertaining to Executive Order 14052 (E.O. 14052): Implementation of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Subsequently (in relation to E.O. 14052), all directives, orders, memorandums, policies, guidance, or memorandums of understanding (MOUs), or contracts pertaining to the Infrastructure Implementation Task Force, Justice40 Initiative, or mentioning ‘environmental justice’. Please limit the timeframe of the search from November 15, 2021 to present. 12/22/2023Closed
2024-0712/11/2023Copies of all implementing directives, orders, memorandums, policies, guidance, or memorandums of understanding (MOUs) pertaining to Executive Order 14008 or (E.O. 14008): Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad. Subsequently, all directives, orders, memorandums, policies, guidance, memorandums of understanding (MOUs), or agency implementing instructions pertaining to ‘climate change’, ‘climate risk’, ‘climate policy’, or ‘environmental justice’. Please limit the search from January 27, 2021 to present. 12/22/2023Closed
2024-0812/14/2023Requesting sponsorship, scholarships and grant funding programs12/22/2023Closed
2024-0901/25/2024Housing Justice Project (AKA Northwest Housing Justice Project). All information regarding funding sources for non profit from 01.01.2017 through 12.01.2023.03/01/2024Closed
2024-1001/25/2024Organizational chart of LSC staff and leadership; staff directory of LSC staff and leadership; organizational chart of LSC Office of Compliance and Enforcement; staff directory of LSC Office of Compliance and Enforcement; reports, memos, correspondence, or other records that describe the duties and activities of the LSC Office of Compliance and Enforcement; reports, memos, correspondence, or other records that describe or reference the duties and processes of LSC Office of Compliance and Enforcement for investigating complaints of grantee non-compliance and whistleblower retaliation January 1, 2014 to the present.03/06/2024Closed
2024-1101/26/2024All written correspondence exchanged between any State(s) and the Agency concerning the designation of the Agency as a voter registration agency, pursuant to section 7(a)(3)(B)(ii) of the National Voter Registration Act. Any and all documents that pertain to the formalization or execution of the designation of the Agency as a voter registration agency, pursuant to the requirements of section 7(a)(3)(B)(ii) of the National Voter Registration Act.02/26/2024Closed
2024-1201/26/2024Documents sufficient to account for all agency communications with DEMOS (501c3) (EIN:13-4105066). Documents sufficient to account for all emails to/from DEMOS (domain: Documents sufficient to account for all meeting invites, meeting records, meeting transcripts, or listening session records or transcripts for meetings where DEMOS representatives, principals, or contractors were present.02/26/2024Closed
2024-1301/26/2024Documents sufficient to account for all marketing materials the agency has created, implemented, or disseminated in support of implementing Executive Order 14019 02/26/2024Closed
2024-1401/26/2024Documents sufficient to account for all FOIA logs and FOIA appeal logs from 1 January 2024, to 31 January, 2024. Documents sufficient to account for the most updated organizational hierarchy chart of the agency, as all as the most recent organizational hierarchy chart for the Office of the Senior-most Executive of the Agency (such as the Office of the Administrator, or Office of the Secretary). 02/26/2024Closed
2024-1501/26/2024Documents sufficient to to account for all GLOMAR FOIA responses issued by the agency in 2023 (January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023). 02/26/2024Closed
2024-1601/29/2024Documents sufficient to to account for all training materials (such as course materials, videos, powerpoint presentations, or slides) presented to agency employees or contractors between January 1, 2021 and December, 2023 mentioning 'DEI', 'Transgender', 'Equity', or 'Pronouns'. 02/27/2024Closed
2024-1701/29/2024Documents sufficient to to account for for all direct messages sent or received through the agency's official social media accounts (such as Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) Accounts). Search Instructions: Please limit all searches in response to this Request from January 1, 2023, to the present. 02/27/2024Closed
2024-1801/29/2024Documents sufficient to to account for All Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) or administrative policies, instructions, memorandums, guidance, standard operating procedures, or procedural documents mentioning 'transgender', or 'gender affirming', or 'pronoun' AND 'usage'. Search Instructions: Please limit all searches in response to this Request from January 20, 2021, to the present.02/27/2024Closed
2024-1901/29/2024Documents sufficient to to account for a list of all new GS-15 or SES employees or appointees that have entered the agency in the last 7 months (from 1 July, 2023 to present). 02/27/2024Closed
2024-2001/29/2024Documents sufficient for the vacancy or occupancy rates of the agency’s largest building or headquarters building, by month (or days if available), for the year of 2023 (January 1, 2023 to December, 2023). Documents sufficient for the number of full-time employees (FTE) subject or covered under Agency telework agreements as of 1 January 2024. 02/27/2024Closed
2024-2101/30/2024The Case Service Reports, or Closed Case Reports submitted to LSC by Legal Action of Wisconsin for the years 2019-202302/28/2024Closed
2024-2202/02/2024All applications completed by Jennifer L. Regan made to New Mexico Legal Aid between 2014-202403/18/2024Closed
2024-2302/12/2024Information regarding donations and grants made to the Georgia Legal Services programs for years 2021-2024 and Annual Reports03/11/2024Closed
2024-2402/13/2024Information regarding donations and grants made to the Georgia Legal Services programs for years 2021-2024 and Annual Reports03/06/2024Closed
2024-2503/01/2024Documents sufficient to account for all finalized strategic plans for implementing Executive Order 14019 (EO 14019), or related plan documents that were submitted to Susan Rice or the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) relating to implementation of EO 14019. Documents sufficient to account for the basis, criteria, and approval authority by which third party organizations will be approved to conduct voter registration activities on federal agency premises under EO 14019. Documents or lists sufficient to account for all third party orgnizations currently approved to conduct voter registation acitivities on the agency's premises. Background: E.O. 14019 directed every federal agency 'to submit to the White House a plan outlining the ways the agency can promote voter registration and voter participation.03/27/2024Closed
2024-2603/19/2024Documents sufficient for all communications (including emails or meeting invites) between the agency and various email domains04/11/2024Closed
2024-2703/22/2024LSC Grantee Data04/18/2024Closed
2024-2803/25/2024Copies of all mandatory training materials provided to agency employees, contractors, or appointees mentioning SOGIE04/18/2024Closed
2024-2903/25/2024Any filed complaints, disciplinary actions, human resources disputes, litigation notices, or settlememts (or settlemement negotiations) fr or against any SES employees, GS-15 employees, or any appointees (including Schedule C or detailed Appointees) from January1, 2022 to present.04/18/2024Closed
2024-3004/01/2024All Basic Field Grants submitted any time in 2023 from Legal Aid Chicago and Land of Lincoln Legal Aid; all applications for BFG submitted any time in 2023 from any organizations in Illinois; list of organizations in Illinois that submitted an application for BFG in 2023 and were not awarded;  list of organizations in Illinois that submitted an application for BFG in 2023 and were awarded; 04/29/2024Closed
2024-3104/17/2024All written materials, including emails, regarding the decision at LSC to discontinue funding of Memphis Area Legal Services.05/15/2024Closed
2024-3204/22/2024The 2016 annual report and any associated data and documentation; the 2016 "LSC By the Numbers: the Data Underlying Legal Aid Programs" and any associated data and documentation and the fiscal year 2011 congressional budget request for the ³ÉÈ˶¶Òõ.05/20/2024Closed
2024-3305/2/2024Requesting all records relating to any listening sessions concerning Executive Order 14019 from January 20, 2021 to present06/11/2024Closed
2024-3405/21/2024Requesting Queens Legal Services records regarding grants, contracts or other funding initiatives07/29/2024Closed
2024-3505/28/2024Requesting data relating to quality and frequency of lawyer communication, lawyer responsiveness to client questions and concerns, degree to which clients believed they were able to provide meaningful input into defining the goals and strategies of their cases and satisfaction with outcomes06/28/2024Closed
2024-3605/20/2024Requesting documents relating to the expenditures associated with the implementation or execution of Executive Order 14019 from January 20, 2021 to May 20, 2024.06/11/2024Closed
2024-3706/17/2024Requesting documents to identify employees who entered into a position at the agency as a Political Appointee since January 1, 2024 to date06/24/2024Closed
2024-3806/17/2024Requesting documents sufficient to account for all GLOMAR FOIA responses from January 1, 2024 to present06/27/2024Closed
2024-3909/16/2024Seeking contracts between LSC and Legal Assistance of Western New York.09/30/2024Closed
2024-4009/20/2024Seeking historical information on Robert Kutak and Harold Rock and their involvement with LSC and Legal Aid of Nebraska and Robert Kutak's work on the LSC Board between 1975 and 198210/28/2024Closed
2024-4109/24/2024Requesting documents sufficient to identify and account for all documents or finalized reports submitted to GAO mentioning Antideficiency Act or Antideficiency Act Report from January 1, 2021 to present10/28/2024Closed
24-25 (OIG)09/24/2024Documents sufficient to to account for all documents or finalized reports submitted to the U.S. Government Accountability Office ('GAO') mentioning 'Antideficiency Act' or 'Antideficiency Act Report'. Search Instructions: Please limit all searches in response to this Request from January 1, 2021, to the present. Please include the full email chain and attachments relevant to any responsive documents to provide further context.10/23/2024  
24-26 (OIG)09/25/2024Documents sufficient to identify and account for all materials submitted by the Agency through the OMB MAX Portal () during the previous fiscal year, including, but not limited to, responses to Requests for Information (RFIs), documentation related to strategic plan implementation responses, periodic assessments (e.g., 30-day, 60-day, 90-day, 120-day assessments), underlying data, policy responses, and any other associated records. Please include all documents (.pdf, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .csv, .xls, .xlsx, etc) that were uploaded by the agency into OMB Max throughout the fiscal year. Search Instructions: Please limit all searches in response to this to the timeframe of October 1, 2023 to September 25, 2024.10/24/2024  
24-27 (OIG)09/27/2024Documents sufficient to identify and account for all FOIA logs, Appeal Logs, and Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) logs produced or created by the agency for Quarter 4 of the fiscal year (1 July through 27 September, 2024, or through the date that this FOIA is processed). Search Instructions: Please limit all searches in response to this to the timeframe of July 1, 2023 to September 27, 2024.10/28/2024  
2024-4209/27/2024Requesting documents sufficient to identify and account for all FOIA, Appeal and Mandatory Declassification Review logs produced or created by the agency for Quarter 4 of the fiscal year through the date the FOIA is processed10//28/2024Closed
2024-4309/27/2024Requesting the most recent Annual Report10/28/2024Closed