Status of FOIA Requests and Responses 2022

FOIA Reference Number Date Request Received Description of Request Estimated Date of Completion Response to Request Status of Request
2021-15 09-20-2021 Requesting personnel information 10-29-2021 Not Available Closed
2021-16 09-13-2021 Requesting a letter that six senior members of the Democrat Party sent to Don McGahn in early October outlining "Hatch Act" violations re: Q 10-29-2021 Closed
2021-17 09-20-2021 Requesting a digital or electronic copy of the 成人抖阴 Congressional Budget Justification FY16, FY17 and FY18 10-29-2021 Closed
2021-18 09-20-2021 Requesting status of the LSC project to compile a database of state and local eviction law, in cooperation with Temple University's Center for Public Health Law Research.  Also requesting the status report or status update for the project 10-29-2021 Closed
2022-01 10-01-2021 Requesting a copy of the Northwest Project reports pertinent to the evaluation, inspection, or monitoring of any grantee, contractor, person or entity 11-11-2021

2022-02 10-01-21 Requesting the Public Records for the Cybersecurity Training Solicitation, including purchase orders, invoices and the winning bidder 10-01-2021 Closed
22-01 (OIG) 10-14-2021 Investigations into California Rural Legal Assistance regarding response to complaints from Congressmen William Thomas, Calvin Dooley and Devin Nunes from 2000-2021 11-11-2021 Verbal Communication Closed
2022-03 10-22-21 Copies of the applications submitted to LSC for the 12 successful Pro Bono Innovation Fund Grants recently awarded 12-06-2021

2022-04 10-26-2021 Requesting all response letters to Privacy Act administration appeals between April 1, 2015 and October 2021 11-16-2021 Closed
2022-05 10-26-2021 Requesting a copy of the winning bid selected for the August 2020 RFP for an eviction study report writer 12-02-2021

2022-06 10-26-2021 Requesting published salary information on the various positions in recipient programs (Executive Directors, attorney's, human resources, etc.) 11-16-2021 Closed
2022-07 10/29/2021 Requesting the return of all letters to individuals issued in response to their administrative appeals between April 1, 2015 and September 31, 2021 11-16-2021 Closed
22-02 (OIG) 01/14/2022 Requesting information regarding requester 03/25/2022

2022-08 01-20-2022 Requesting Grantee Final Reports for the TIG Technology Improvement Project and the Request for Proposals 03-22-2022

2022-09 01-24-2022 Requesting personal records 02-01-2022 Closed
2022-10 02-14-2022 Requesting a list of employees in the Office of Legal Affairs, titles and salaries 03-10-2022

2022-11 02-15-2022 Requesting a copy of the winning bid selected for the RFP for the Cybersecurity Awareness Training and supporting records 03-24-2022


2022-12 02-24-2022
Requesting records showing that Minnesota nonprofit corporation named Legal assistance of Ramsey County received funds from LSC from 1966 to 1982
03/14/2022 Closed
2022-13 03/09/2022 Requesting records showing that Minnesota nonprofit corporation named Legal assistance of Ramsey County received funds from LSC from 1966 to 1982 03/31/2022 Closed
22-03 (OIG) 03/10/2022 Requesting all documents related to complaints against requester and/or  requester, Florida Rural Legal Services for the period 1/1/2020 thru 3/11/2022 04/07/2022

2022-14 04/04/2022 Requesting Michigan legal aid funding in Wayne, Huron and Emmett Counties 04/27/2022 Not available Closed
2022-15 04/13/2022 LSC Assessment Report for Maryland Legal Aid including Special Grant Conditions 05/10/2022 Closed
2022-16 04/26/2022 Information relating to requester 04/26/2022 Not available Closed
2022-17 05/13/2022 Information related to the 2022 Veterans Pro Bono Grant Program competition 06/24/2022 Closed
2022-18 05/17/2022 Information related to the 2022 Veterans Pro Bono Grant Program competition 06/24/2022 Closed
2022-19 06/21/2022 Requesting information regarding Snohomish County, Dawson Place, Snohomish County Child Advocacy Center 07/01/2022 Closed
22-04 (OIG) 07/13/2022 Requesting letters and correspondence sent from your agency to FOIA requesters in fiscal years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, that contain specific phrases 08/05/202

2022-20 07/13/2022 Requesting all correspondence sent to FOIA requesters with certain phrases 07/20/2022 Closed
2022-21 09/15/2022 Information regarding requester 09/20/2022 Closed
2022-22 09/22/2022 Information regarding Evictions in the Hampton Roads Region 10/21/2022 Not available Closed
2022-23 09/29/2022 All communication issued to Florida Rural Legal Services through July 2022 11/15/2022 Closed