Status of FOIA Requests and Responses 2018

FOIA Reference Number Date Request   Received  Description of Request Estimated Date of Completion Response to Request Status of Request
 2018-01  10-11-17 Requesting a hard copy of 成人抖阴's 2015 Annual Report  10-17-17 LSC 2015 Annual Report  Closed
2018-02 11-08-17 Requesting any and all communications 成人抖阴 has had with the current leadership and the Board President of Legal Services Alabama, Inc. pertaining to the suspension, investigation, or resignation of a former employee 12-28-17

2018-03 11-22-17 Requesting a copy of any status report given to LSC by Legal Action of Wisconsin (LAW) with respect to the "Eviction Defense Project" being operated by LAW in Milwaukee County Circuit Court since January 2017, and requesting a copy of the LAW application for this grant 12-28-17

2018-04 12-06-17 Correspondence from Congressman Michael Grimm for the timeperiod January 3, 2013 through January 5, 2015 12-28-17

18-01 (OIG) 12-11-17 Requesting any and all communications 成人抖阴 has had with the current leadership and the Board President of Legal Services Alabama, Inc. pertaining to the suspension, investigation, or resignation of a former employee 12-19-17   Closed
2018-05 12-28-17 LSC Staff Directory  01-04-18

2018-06 12-29-17 Requesting Agreement between Legal Action of Wisconsin and UWM and communications regarding Submitters Rights Process 01-08-18


18-02 (OIG) 01-08-18 Requesting a list of the Office of Inspector General's investigations that were closed in 2017 01-17-18


2018-07 02-02-18 Requesting LSC grantee information 02-27-18 


2018-08 02-20-18 Requesting CSR Self-Inspection Information 03-06-18   Closed
  02-22-18 Requesting LSC's Chief Information Officer Organizational Chart  03-06-18


2018-10 03-23-18 Requesting the contract/grant that was active during FY2015 between 成人抖阴 and California Rule Legal Assistance, Inc. ("CRLA") 03-29-18



2018-11 03-28-18 Requesting a current list of all LSC employees to include Agency Name, Location, Email Address, Job Title and Salary 04-04-18

2018-12 04-19-18 Requesting correspondence from Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema and the response to the correspondence from January 2013 through the present  05-07-18

2018-13 04-26-18 Requesting the following documents as it relates to LSC FL-17 and LSC MFL:  2017-2018 Needs assessment and priorities; 2017-2018 Grantee Activity Report; 2016-2018 grant applications; 2016-2018 TIG grant applications and milestone reports for grants awarded to Florida Rural Legal Services and 2016-2018 PBIF grant applications and milestone reports for grants awarded to Florida Rural Legal Services 07-23-18


2018-14 05-02-18 Requesting data as it relates to LSC's Grants Program 05-15-18



2018-15 05-02-18 Requesting the amount of money appropriated for the fiscal year of 2017 to represent claimant's before the Social Security Administration concerning cessation of benefits or CDR (continuing disability review) claims; and the number of claimants represented in releation to the cessation or CDR claim in the fiscal year of 2017 05-23-18


2018-16 05-14-18 Requesting records from January 1, 2008 until the date of production for all complaints against LSC grantees, all disciplinary actions, including but not limited to, the withdrawal/termination/recovery of federal funds to LSC grantees and what remedial measures does LSC take to make whole the clients harmed by grantee malfeasance, including but not limited to paying for alternative legal assistance 06-26-18


2018-17 05-18-18 Requesting the number of case closures in Case Category 76 (Unemployment Compensation) involving Closure Categories H (Administrative Agency Decision) and I (Court Decision) 06-07-18


2018-18 05-22-18 Requesting LSC's Incident Response Policy 05-23-18


18-03 (OIG) 05-22-18 Requesting records from January 1, 2008 until the date of production for all complaints against LSC grantees, all disciplinary actions, including but not limited to, the withdrawal/termination/recovery of federal funds to LSC grantees and what remedial measures does LSC take to make whole the clients harmed by grantee malfeasance, including but not limited to paying for alternative legal assistance 06-28-18   Cloed
2018-19 05-24-18 Requesting transcripts from ICLS 06-21-18   Closed
2018-20 08-06-18 Requesting a copy of the Disaster and Business Continuity Plans of certain grantees 08-31-18   Closed
2018-21 08-31-18 Copy of any status report given to LSC by Legal Action of Wisconsin with respect to the Eviction Defense Project from the date of the last report to the present and a copy of the LAW application for continued funding or new funding from LSC for th operation of LAW's Eviction Defense Project sumitted since November 22, 2017 through the present 10-01-18


2018-22 09-10-18 Copy of all documentation, consultation and efforts taken when requester requested assistance from LSC of Tampa Bay Area Legal Services 10-12-18  No Records Closed
2018-23 09-27-18 Record of all religious cases taken by LSC affiliates from 2015-2018 10-03-18  No Records Closed
2018-24 09-24-18 Requesting information regarding the California Delegates Advisory Council 10-19-18 Closed