
TIG Project Evaluation Plan: Identifying Strategies/Activities

The TIG Evaluation Plan will identify multiple strategies/activities that are associated with each objective.  Specific strategies/activities should:

  • Identify the strategies and activities that will be undertaken to achieve each of the project objectives.
  • Flow logically from and directly relate to the pertinent objective(s).

Some strategies/activities may correspond to more than one objective. If this is the case, simply place that strategy in the rows for each of the objectives to which it corresponds.

Examples of strategies/activities include the following.  (Note that only two examples are provided for each objective.  Most objectives will have more than two corresponding strategies/activities.)

For the objective "Conduct needs assessment to identify: (1) Training content (e.g., substantive law topics) volunteer attorneys prioritize and (2) Extent and ways in which web-based technologies can meet volunteer attorneys’ training needs," strategies/activities would include:

  • In collaboration with the State Pro Bono Coordinators Association (PBCA): (1) Develop needs assessment survey and (2) Develop survey sample that is representative of volunteer attorney target group (e.g.,, size,  demographic and geographic composition)
  • Disseminate survey and collect/analyze survey results

For the objective "Use A2J Author and HotDocs to create guided interviews and court form templates that enable pro se litigants to easily produce accurate pro se pleadings. Produce 10 guided interviews and 12 interactive court forms in the following substantive law areas: Fee Waiver, Small Claims, Evictions, Protection Orders and Divorce without Children," strategies/activities would include:

  • Identify forms/interviews to automate
  • Work with courts to ensure that interviews/forms are accurate, consistent with court requirements and will be acceptable to the courts.

For the objective "Adapt, develop and implement current YouTube technology  as a free and viable way of using streaming video to provide streaming video (video fact sheets) that are easily accessible by low-income persons, pro bono attorneys and legal aid advocates," strategies/activities would include:

  • Apply for non-profit channel status from YouTube®.  
  • Develop a video content priority list from previously created content by using usage data from the State Access to Justice Commission (AJC) Annual Justice & Technology Report.