Developing and Submitting TIG Evaluation Plans

Evaluation planning is a critical component of TIG project management.  It provides managers with a mechanism for monitoring project implementation and identifying necessary operational adjustments.  It should also provide a analytical framework and identify the data that will be needed to evaluate the project and effectively complete the TIG grant Final Report.

The evaluation plan should:

  • Clearly articulate the goals and objectives of the project
  • Identify the activities and strategies that will be implemented to achieve the goals and objectives
  • Specify the methodologies and data sets that will be used to evaluate the project's progress and accomplishments.

TIG grantees are encouraged to submit their evaluation plans as soon as possible in the grant period.  Grantees must submit an approved evaluation plan by the end of the first milestone reporting period. Grantees cannot receive a second grant payment until their evaluation plan is approved.

Evaluation Plan Development, Submission and Approval Process

  • Grantees should develop their evaluation plan using the . Instructional and guidance materials are accessible from within the document as well as in the Evaluation Plan Contents section below.
  • The automated form will produce a document in Microsoft Word or a comparable text format. Grantees must submit a draft plan in Word or comparable text format to LSC for review and approval.
  • In the event a submitted plan must be revised before it can be approved, LSC staff will notify the grantee via email of the specific changes that are needed. The grantee will then submit a revised plan to LSC.
  • LSC will notify grantees via email when their plans are approved and will provide grantees with a copy of the approved plans.  A copy of the approved plan should be submitted with the second payment request.

For LSC review and approval, evaluation plans should be emailed to Bristow Hardin.

Evaluation Plan Instructions and Guidance Materials

Click on the links below for instructions and guidance information about the essential components of the evaluation plan:

For assistance or additional information about TIG Evaluation Plans, contact Bristow Hardin, LSC Program Analyst ( or 202-295-1553).