Regulations Publication History: Part 1612: Restrictions on lobbying and certain other activities

The following documents are the Federal Register notices announcing the current and previous versions of the LSC regulations. The supplemental information found in these notices may be useful in understanding the regulations. They are provided for research purposes. Please make sure that you are using the current version of the regulation if you want to know the rules that apply today.

All documents, unless otherwise noted, are available as Portable Document Format (PDF) files, which may be viewed with a free copy of .

Date Title Cite
04-28-97 62 FR 22895
04-21-97 62 FR 19400
08-29-96 61 FR 45741
04-21-93 58 FR 21403
07-30-92 57 FR 33699
08-03-87 52 FR 28777
07-29-87 52 FR 28434
07-29-87 52 FR 28441
11-07-86 51 FR 40422
08-01-86 51 FR 27539
01-04-85 50 FR 501
06-07-84 49 FR 23627
05-31-84 49 FR 22651
03-27-84 49 FR 11638
02-24-84 49 FR 6943
12-19-83 48 FR 56058
04-12-83 48 FR 15630
03-21-83 48 FR 11709
11-08-82 47 FR 50658
03-12-81 46 FR 18267
12-31-80 45 FR 86511
07-28-78 43 FR 32774
03-17-78 43 FR 11241
05-10-76 41 FR 19110
05-05-76  (Renumbered to Part 1612) 41 FR 18513
03-05-76  (Part 1600) 41 FR 9571
09-12-75  (Part 1600) 40 FR 42362
08-07-75  (Part 1600) 40 FR 33293