Regulations Publication History: Part 1602: Procedures for disclosure of information under the Freedom of Information Act

The following documents are the Federal Register notices announcing the current and previous versions of the LSC regulations. The supplemental information found in these notices may be useful in understanding the regulations. They are provided for research purposes. Please make sure that you are using the current version of the regulation if you want to know the rules that apply today.

All documents, unless otherwise noted, are available as Portable Document Format (PDF) files, which may be viewed with a free copy of .

Date       TitleCite        
12-16-1681 FR 91037
12-15-1681 FR 75330
11-17-0873 FR 67791
08-14-0873 FR 47564
02-14-0368 FR 7433
11-18-0267 FR 69498
08-03-9863 FR 41193
03-09-9863 FR 11393
09-29-9459 FR 49584
12-14-9358 FR 65291
07-09-9358 FR 36910
03-24-8853 FR 9726
03-01-8853 FR 6151
11-07-7843 FR 51785
07-28-7843 FR 32827
07-07-7641 FR 27837
11-13-7540 FR 52847
09-12-7540 FR 42374

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The Daily Journal of the United States Government
 Rule Procedures for Disclosure of Information Under the Freedom of Information Act
A Rule by the 成人抖阴 on 10/31/2016 DOCUMENT DETAILS Printed version: PDF Publication Date:10/31/2016Agency: 成人抖阴 Dates: The final rule is effective on December 15, 2016, unless LSC receives substantive adverse comments during the comment period. Written comments will be accepted until November 30, 2016.Effective Date:12/15/2016Comments Close:11/30/2016Document Type: Rule Document Citation:81 FR 75330Page:75330-75338 (9 pages)CFR:45 CFR 1602Document Number:2016-25832. DOCUMENT DETAILS PUBLISHED DOCUMENT AGENCY: 成人抖阴.
ACTION: Final rule, request for comments.