Legal Aid Helps Veterans Rebuild After Returning From Service

Mr. D* joined the Marines when he was 17 years old. While serving in Vietnam, he was injured three times and received two Purple Hearts.

When Mr. D came back to the United States, he began to struggle with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). He went AWOL (absent without official leave) and lived in shame while trying to battle his illness alone.

Soon, Mr. D was no longer able to continue his job. He applied for Social Security early retirement benefits, but they did not pay enough to make ends meet.

Mr. D turned to Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida for help. Coast to Coast attorneys helped Mr. D get his Social Security Disability benefits, which increased his income right away.

Coast to Coast also represented Mr. D at his hearing before the Board of Veteran Appeals (BVA). The judge ruled that Mr. D was entitled to an honorable discharge with full benefits. Currently, Coast to Coast attorneys are working to expedite Mr. D鈥檚 service-connected claim so he can collect his benefits and live a comfortable life with his wife in their well-deserved retirement.

Mr. D can now proudly display his service without shame.

*Names have been changed